I've been searching for non-Japanese language resources and haven't come across a whole lot... Well, there's Wiki for starters:
All pages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But I would like to read much more than just Wiki! I don't see a topic like this here, so...are there any good lists of non-language resources? (there's already a good topic for that, and tons of resources on the web)
Specifically things like culture, pop culture I suppose (it's good to be aware), history, people's expectations of you while living in Japan, etiquette (restaurants, onsens, etc), popular websites like Mixi/nicovideo, differences between Western and Japanese culture (like love for example), umm...all the things people are expected to know.
Basically I'd like to know as much as Japanese majors (my school doesn't offer that). Or someone raised in Japan! How well-prepared can a silly gaijin be before going over? I'd like to do my best in every situation...but at the moment I can't hold chopsticks even.

Can't be that hard to learn, right?
Sooo yeah just looking for all the resources out there for this sort of thing! And I suppose any good English blogs by people living in Japan who share educational experiences and tips.
I'm not cheap, so I'll buy any good books etc. I mean I already bought Rosetta Stone, why stop there?
(I'm not sure if I come off as a dumb kid in this post, but I have already graduated and know a lot about JET and whatnot. Although any resources on teaching would be nice, as I have no experience teaching yet, and I'm a little concerned about that...but again it can't be that hard!)