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(#165 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-04-2009, 01:26 PM


Let me summarise my points

-China invaded Tibet in the 1950's, exiled the spiritual leader and head of state and has been an occupying force since.
-Tibet as a nation (now keep in mind the difference between nation and state that I explained earlier) has a right to self-determination as far as I'm concerned. The UN recognises this.
-The only way for Tibetans to be able to achieve any sort of self-determination as a part of the Chinese nation is via constitutional democracy

Your points have nothing to do with what I said. In fact they're largely irrelevant to what I'm saying. The only points I can filter from your rant is that according to you

-China not only knows what's best for Tibet (arrogant and completely ignores Tibet's right of self-determination) but it has a right to be in Tibet due to some association with the region a long time before Tibet became an independent nation-state.
-Without Chinese occupation, Tibet could not achieve prosperity. (A big and baseless assumption).

Now with regard to democracy which is a seperate issue which you've brought up to abstractly justify China's occupation (again a justification that fails because you've completely ignored my points).

Your theories regarding prosperity and democracy are hollow and simplisitc. There are a myriad of factors which make a nation less prosperous. You mentioned India earlier... in fact India is not far behind China as the world's 2nd fastest growing economy but while it has a huge proportion of people subject to poverty, you can't simply blame democracy or a lack of authoritarian central government for it. One could easily blame the legacy India's Hindu majority caste system has left behind. Also democracy seems to have brought these people prosperity relative to where they were at least. India's poor now have a political voice which governments have to court.
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