03-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Well its been fun following both sides some good points were made on both sides and although i disagree with komitsuki on a shit load of issues we agreed to disagree over PM. I disagree with kirakira points on President Obama but about Tibet some of his views do have grounds for discussion though once again i may not agree with them but the truth is the truth no matter what kind of spin you put on it. These debates are very touchy and usually end up getting so emotional you get no where.
Ronin4hire feels very strongly about Tibet and has made several valid points in terms of Tibet and i will admit if China does not want to recognize Tibet it does not have too. There is a reason why many other nations have not stepped in and tried to pressure the Chinese on Tibet. I would like to see the relations stabilize and the standard of living raise there weather it be under Chinese rule or if the Tibetans were given a choice and voted for independence.
Do i believe any nation has the right to be rules by another no. But its a lot more complicated then just saying ok Tibet your on your own. I disagree with a shit load of policies from China a shit load from the states and some from Japan but do these countries have the will to improve. Right now China nor US deserves any glorification of any kind. If you think one country is better than the other you are only fueling the fire that will keep the status quo the same many more years.
Last edited by Sinestra : 03-04-2009 at 04:11 PM.