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(#22 (permalink))
Harold (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 316
Join Date: Jul 2007
03-04-2009, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Hi, Harold.
You seem to know Okinawa better than me.
I’ve never been to Okinawa myself and I’ve just heard about it from people from there.
People in Okinawa seem to losing their language.
Yes, it’s unfortunate.
Maybe it’s because there may be few places of employment there.
Many young people come to Tokyo to work and they have to speak common Japanese.
It’s really too bad the language is dying.
I think it is because of influence from the mainland. People watch a lot of TV shows that are made in Tokyo. Most of my friends in school listened to Japanese music, not Ryukuan music.

That's true! My friend from Naha is going to college in Yokohama... There are a lot more opportunities in mainland Japan than in Okinawa. When I first learned Japanese, I learned Tokyo Japanese and most of my friends spoke Japanese like what I learned, but they sometimes had some Okinawan words in their speech. They also say さぁ a lot! 意味わからないですよ!

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