03-05-2009, 03:57 AM
Additional post:
The bosses from MGS1 & 2 died completely different, impacting, poignant deaths. Thats more than enough to say from the beasts.
And even then, when you WERE going to fight a boss, it didn't seem like if you were going to. I was actually surprised when I fought Fortune in MGS2 in Strut A. I was never expecting her to just pop in to say hello.
Not just that, the MGS1 & MGS2 bosses had GREAT persona's.
Each one motivated by something they wished to succeed in, while these beast girls had nothing that was impressive in any sense. They were mindless machines who couldn't think for themselves. All thinking that Snake, SNAKE for crying out loud, would save them somehow.
This is retarded.
In MGS2 Fortune was planning to turncoat on Solidus. It shows she actually thinks.
And another thing Kojima changed were the long and very famous cutscenes Kojima was very well known for. (MGS2 for example: Snakes narrative of the tanker was pure genius.)
"He is both the Tiger and the Dragon."