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(#8 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-05-2009, 09:14 AM

Berrypie, in your supposed examples of "to be heard" and "to be seen," you didn't use either.

In both your "see" examples, you used the active voice. In both your "hear" examples, you used the active voice. Neither time did you use the passive you claimed to be about to use.

The passive would be 見られる and 聞かれる. Also, you should know that you probably should have used 聞, not 聴, in your rendering of "to hear." The second one is more an intense, artistic observation. You 聴く an orchestral work. You 聞く some MP3s, most likely. You definitely 聞く conversation.

You wouldn't use 聴 when asking if you can hear someone.
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