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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
03-05-2009, 03:05 PM

Most of them are alright for teaching theory, learning methods and padding your resume. However if you can get a job without one, save your money and buy a nice camera. I'll give you a little trick you can use. Find one of those online "schools" and use their name in your cover letter like this, "Currently I am working towards a certificate in TEFL with the online program blah blah blah." After you get the job and make your way over here, no one is going to ask to see a certificate. All they care about is your university degree. And if they do ask just tell them the half truth. You got the job and then were too busy to complete the course. If you can't teach, no certificate is going to save you. Just as if you can teach, no one cares about these programs.
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