Originally Posted by jesselt
My Japanese teacher is from Kyoto, so that is the dialect that we are learning. I don't really have a choice in the matter >_>
Are the differences very important in the early stages of learning Japanese (I like this, that is a big house, I want to eat, etc.) or just when you get into more advanced stages? I don't really want to be hindered in my speaking ability this early on, but it's not like there are other Japanese professors at my university.
This is important, Jesselt. Is she teaching you Kyoto dialect, or is she just from Kyoto? Are you using a normal Japanese textbook?
I would say, yes, it is different enough that if she is teaching you Kyoto dialect instead of standardized Japanese, then that is a problem. At the same time, I would be shocked if a teacher were to teach Kyoto-dialect over standardized Japanese in a first-year classroom.
That would be like entering an English classroom, but being taught Cajun.
I had professors from Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Nagasaki, (and the US) and they all taught the same way and the same standardized Japanese.