Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
The more you swear the lower your "class".
Goodness!!! Lol I swear pretty often, and I wouldn't call myself "low class", I think if you knew me personally you'd agree
I feel there's a time and place for everything. I'm not saying walk through a church dropping f-bombs all over the place, or in the middle of a job interview lol. But in casual conversations with people u feel comfortable enough with, a more "colorful" vocabulary isn't usually looked down upon. Of course cultural differences come into play, but I wouldn't go as far as calling someone low class that let's a few four-letter words tumble out here and there.
Now, if that's their whoooole vocabulary, I think it's more an educational issue than class. If those are the ONLY words that you can fill your sentences with, then I think it's thesaurus time lol.
What can I say, sometimes an eff-arino adds the needed punch of emphasis to a point being made. :shrugs:
Not wanting to argue, just nudging back.