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03-06-2009, 04:33 AM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
The Chinese economy is at least going to be stabilized similar to how Russia is sort of recovering recently. Exclusive Well, China is very prepared for this catastrophe.
In the long run...

China - GDP should flourish again but this time based less on export and more on internal consumption if the government plays its cards right (which it is by stimulating internal consumption through government rebates and infrastructure construction).

Japan - GDP would stablise as long as they export more to Asia since US is practically broke, they should be alright (hence the political shift towards China and Asia in general).

USA - They are debasing their currency by running the printing press 24/7, so the US dollar value is going to hit the floor and the US economy will implode caused by double digit inflation and then double digit interest rate (if they don't want to turn it into a hyperinflation situation), by how much, we don't know but this one will hurt. There is a possibility that the US dollar will not longer be the world reserve currency.
I dont know about Russia right now from all the data i have been looking at things are not going well right now. They flourishing and were finally starting to make some progress but they are hurting right now. A friend of mine there says people are blind Russia is in some deep trouble at moment he told me about the new import tax of foreign cars they just imposed and numerous other taxes i didnt know any of this till my friend filled me in. He says Russia is in no better shape than the US the jury is still out on this one. Although im happy that Obama and Russia have apparently been having some good discussions im hoping relations between us and them improve

Im willing to give Obama some space for about a year before i really start hammering down on him. I wont lie i voted for him and i voted for him for my own personal reasons because i believe the man really does care. Also, he did something none of the opposition did which was important to me he talked boosting education which is sure fire way to teach people "do not live out side your means" In a recent poll it showed a fair amount of people were not happy about parts of the stimulus but that same poll people said they would live with it if it helped the country. Americans are giving Obama some breathing room because they feel he did cause this he inherited it which he did.

Im actually starting to see a change in and around DC people are starting to realize that the way business is done and relying on credit is not the answer and we will see lots of these high profile investors go away. In 2 years time i say we will starting to see things get a tiny bit better not much but a start. As long as a viable plan of action is in place and checks and balances are obeyed things can turn around. I am not feeling the economic crunch that much why because i dont rely on credit i manage my money well and i have a job where im so valuable that it would take 3 people to replace me so my job wont do it and pay 3 different salaries im hoping my fellow Americans after things start to get better will keep the lessons they we will all learn over the next couple of years.

I still see the US and Japan doing business together not as usual but more on a even playing field we all know how politicians like to talk a good game doesnt matter what country your from. Hell some Japanese are saying that most of there politicians are worthless weather they follow America or not. I can understand some anti American positions in Japan my hope is that its not directed at normal citizens. I dislike a lot of Irans policies but that doesn't mean i hate its people. But i firmly believe before anything can start to get better it has to hit rock bottom first. Obamas cabinet is full of people who are very well qualified to get things on track by the end of his term i say on track not better. Hope is a very useful tool to use when trying to stimulate an economy and little by little i feel anger and resentment will subside in Russia, China, Japan and the US but people are scared and when that happens well our history is full of it i dont need to say it.

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