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03-06-2009, 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
You should hammer him now.

Economic 101, when in recession, increase money supply so you can stimulate demand which will in turn crank up production.

Problem, USA doesn't have any production capacity, it's all in China, so stimulating demand is only going to screw the trade balance even more.

What's more, Obama has pledged $53Ts in future spendings on medicare and whatever else when they already got $0 in the bank, this will send the national debt out of this universe and if China, Japan and the oil rich countries says no thanks, US is just going to implode.

Sinestra, you will be the victim of this anyway despite doing all the right things because the dollar you hold now won't be worth much in the future due to rampant inflation and the tax rate is going to go through the roof if US is going to have any hope of getting out of this hole.
Im well aware of what it will cost you can actually read the entire thing on line or go to the congressional library in DC and read it once a copy has been filed I spend a fair amount time there reading past bills signed into law among other things. I dont agree with all of it but the funny thing is i have asked 20 people what they would do and no one had an answer. Giving the situation he inheredited i feel he is trying his best. Many of the ear marks in the bill are going to generate jobs eliminate bogus contract spending (this one really irritates me) also companies that outsource jobs will not eligible for tax breaks unlike companies that keep jobs here for people who willing and able to work (another pet peeve of mine) I agree the bill calls a shit load of money and i do have my doubts about parts of it but a lot of it will do good. Its a start its going to take a lot more work hell its going to take GODLY work to undone this cluster F***. I voted him because i trust him to do the right thing in the long run. A lot of his opponets would rather take personal attacks than actually trying to come up with a solution which is why the GDP is in the hole and will stay there till they get the message. But ti will take more than government to fix this Americans themselfves need to change the way they do things. If you 40K a year guess what i dont care what the bank says you cant afford an 100K house or 70K Benz.

I wont allow our sick nor our old to go without medical benefits i feel the money pledged for medicare is a must. You are right about production which is where the favor for outsourcing jobs overseas will end it needs to stop. If i only Gen X and Gen Y would get it, Our grandparents and great grandparents had it right the US needs to return to that way of thinking to get back on track. My fear is some most of these old stalwarts in office dont get it they think business as usual is going to fix things over time and it wont. This is a new era and they refuse to accept it all the while hurting general public. Like i said im willing to give him time hes been in office for 6 weeks im willing to give him sometime to work on plans. We gave Bush 8 damn years (not me personally) i think we can give Obama some room for moment he has surrounded himself with some damn good people who can get shit done. Im not saying everything is going to be alright im just saying for once i want to try to be optimistic and give it a chance to work than to be down in the dumps for another 4 years 8 years was enough for me.

Dont get me wrong i agree with you on many of your statements but from my school mates that now work in Washington there are other things on the way that Obama will propose.

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