Originally Posted by Tenchu
So now I'm spouting "shit"? Thanks, Ronin. But anything I've said, it is a lot better than anything you've said.
That's your opinion
Originally Posted by Tenchu
You've never explained why breeds of dogs are so different than races of people. Can you do that now, please.
There is more difference between dog breed than than there is amongst the human race. (Though according to Nyororin, the basis of our perception of breed is the same as our perception of race)
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Tell me how this is psuedo science. If you're going to throw in insults, then you'd better have some good reasons.
You're implying that the races we've identified are distinguished by things other than the specific traits which we base them on.
We'll you're right in one sense. As a social construction... race is politically defined based on such traits.
Scientifically though... these traits in humans which we base race on are quite superficial and do not represent any difference at an overall genetic level (apart from the ones which determine the traits that are the basis of race that is)
Originally Posted by Tenchu
And what is evolution, if anything other than an isolation of traits? That is how all things start. Face it, humans started to go their seperate ways due to isolation. We began to mutate away from each other. If that is not true, then what is?
Things evolve only if there a change is necessary and forced. They don't evolve for the sake of it. Why people in the North evolved white skin etc can be put down to change in environment as human migration progressed for example.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Why is it such a problem for you to admit one and another are different?
I've had this discussion with you before. You are the one who has said in another thread that Australian Aborigines are of sub-human intelligence, and likening them to primates. I am particularly pedantic with you because of it.