Ok, earlier today I decided I am finally going to take my dream vacation - Tokyo.
Here are some questions I have for you all, and thank you in advance for any responses:
1.I am 24, and I enjoy videogames, clubbing/nightlife, and backpacking in cities. I don't care for a "quiet" vacation or hotel. I want to be in or around the excitement! I won't be going to bed until 4-5 AM and I will only sleep a small handful of hours a day. Taking all of this into account, Roponngi or Shinjuku are my best hotel options, yes?
1. I was thinking about July, how is July in Tokyo? Are there better months? I prefer hot weather and the summer time is my only option right now. (June~August)
2. What are the best hotels to stay in either Roponggi or Shinjuku? I want to stay close to a train port so I can walk to them quickly for traveling. I don't plan to go outside of the major Tokyo areas except maybe Osaka for one day. Also, by best hotel I don't mean the most luxurious or expensive. Sure, I don't want to sleep with bugs, but I would like a private room in a decent hotel.
3. What is the best way to book one of these trips? I am sure it is not Expedia/Priceline/etc, but I don't know of the best sources. Any help here is hugely appreciated
4. How much money do I need to prepare? I know the minimum is a few thousand. I will be going to bars/clubs at night, but mostly during the day just walking around / shopping / arcades / visiting some friends (No, staying on their floor isn't an option

(If you can also, include info about the train passes, cost etc)
5. Where do you suggest I visit while in Tokyo? I am not 100% positive on how the districts are separated, but I will be doing some studying before I go. How far apart are places like Shinjuku and Roponggi? How much/long does it take to travel to Osaka for a day and back?
6. What are some cost saving advice/tips you guys may have?
7. Best places to eat in each area?
8. Where are the best arcades!? Shopping districts?!
9. TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!! Sorry for so many questions, I am open for pushback on being lazy / not searching, but I would like a centralized location for this info (this thread)!
I'll add more as I think of them
Thank you again for all your responses,