Thread: Race Discussion
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noodle (Offline)
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03-08-2009, 09:51 AM

I don't think these differences are that small... When studying ancient buried bodies, how can they identify someones race if our DNA differences were really that insignificant?

Many Egyptian Pharoes were found to be Berber (first recorded people to inhabit North Africa, previously known as Libyans by Greeks and Romans) from the study of their DNA. Skin Colour, hair colour, facial features might seem insignificant, but on a biological, gene level, when there are staggering differences or similarities from people of different regions, it does count for something.

The race theory hasn't really got anything to do with this... The race theory is about a superior race in the sense of them being better and more important than other races... But for one to deny that Black people of western African descent, are not superior at running is a bit of a joke. I believe we are all equal, but I also believe black people are better at running... Heck, in athletics, black people hold more than 90% of the best speed records!