Originally Posted by noodle
Yes, they do occur in all races, but from studies done, they've said that ALL West Africans and their decendents have fast twitch muscle fibres unless they don't train in which case, they become slow twitch muscle fibres. The oposite is impossible btw (as far as they know).
Sure, whatever!
ALL West Africans? I dispute that off the bat. I can accept that a much higher concentration of people predisposed to the gene are of West African descent but you'll have to give me a link or something for me to believe that ALL of them and their descendants have it (100% not 90% or 80%.. but 100%). I mean I tried to find a link myself... but I couldn't (admittedly I just used google)
But even if it's true, how could you define West Africans as a race biologically when people of other races contain these genes... Your posts are all beside the point I'm making. I've already accepted that regional tendencies exist. Not to mention that I've never heard of "West African" as a racial group.