Thread: Watchmen
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03-08-2009, 11:05 PM

Well they did the best they could with a difficult story. Watchmen is such a profound piece of fiction that i knew it was going to be difficult to do but wow they pulled it off and quite well in fact. The graphic novel when i read it years ago make such an emotional impact on me to this day it still touches me. The film did wonderful job portraying the Super Heroes as real people with feelings and their own sense of justice of whats right and whats wrong. Its a very violent film with some nudity too but the story goes so deep that the ending will have thinking for weeks on end. I have been asked by several people already to borrow the graphic novel some litertrue classes at University require the students to read Watchmen which i think speaks vol to the story.

There is a lot of dialog and the fighting is far and in between. This is not Xmen or Hulk the dialog is very important and many of themes has to do with humanity itself. But when the action comes oh its good its bloody its what violence should be so we wont forget it. Even after nearly 3 hours they just could not fit all the info in but they did one hell of a job and the movie will be going on top 100 movies. To do such a wonderful job by portraying the time periods showed great direction it is not easy to do time jumps and keep the audience emotional invested.

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