Thread: Race Discussion
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-09-2009, 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
You made it sound as though I defined race by whether they had fast twitch muscles or not. For the purposes of physical sports research, West Africans were made into their own group due to them being born with fast twitch muscles which research shows, gives them a distinct advantage for sprinting and jumping! I don't know whether they took any other traits into count!
Well what do you know... A social construct based on an observed tendency within a population. It's been my argument this whole time.

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
You need to get your facts right dude... Scientists believed that different races were better than others up until 1960's when political correctness came into play. At this time, it ignored any type of research based on the superiority of other races. One of the most famous researches/publications made on the superiority of whites compared to blacks was written in the 1950's. I remember specifically the paper saying that observations showed that around teenage years, Blacks bains' development slowed down compared to other races, specifically whites. As stupid as this sounds, this research is not more than a century old as you like to say!

If you're implying that Black's are not as smart as Whites... Well the existence of black people with high IQ's debunks that conclusion right away.

Not to mention that I've never heard of the study you cite. You sure you're not talking sh*t?

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
As for what my catogarizations, I don't have a clue!! If I really cared to put people into groups, I'd put them into groups based on regional differences. But as I don't do research on these things, I am simply repeating things that I've read and understood... AND, I believe, like there are different breeds of Dog, there are different breeds of Human... This however doesn't mean that I believe one is better or worse than the other, or that one is more valuable than the other... It is simply a way to help us understand why there are clear differences between us. Otherwise, one could easily say EVERYONE is different, which is true, but doesn't help anything.
I don't know about dogs... but I know about people.

Humans don't exist in breeds in and of themselves scientifically. The reason you can't name any is because their aren't any. It was a question I knew you couldn't answer.

Anyway... I'm getting bored of this... do some reading then come back to me.

This Wiki article sums things up pretty well.

Race (classification of human beings) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 03-09-2009 at 12:39 PM.