Thread: Race Discussion
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(#43 (permalink))
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03-09-2009, 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
A social construct. It's been my argument this whole time.


If you're implying that Black's are not as smart as Whites... Well the existence of black people with high IQ's debunks that conclusion right away.

Not to mention that I've never heard of the study you cite. You sure you're not talking sh*t?

I don't know about dogs... but I know about people.

Humans don't exist in breeds in and of themselves scientifically. The reason you can't name any is because their aren't any. It was a question I knew you couldn't answer.

Look it up... I dare you.
WTF are you talking about? Me telling you that your info is wrong because of some scientists' research showing what I said equates to me implying that Blacks are less intellegent???... Dude, the only person I think isn't intellegent is you! If I did believe it, your so called Black's with high IQ debunks it is just stupid! Nothing is absolute in modern science, hence why the majority of modern science today is about statistics and probability (take a look at quantum mechanics for example, or medical therapies for example... Nothing is always 100%. Today's science isn't like classical mechanics where laws had to be made to work for everything). The only way for you to disprove that research is to show that the Majority of blacks have high IQ! Get real dude, it seems you don't know anything about modern Science!

As for me talking sh*t, are you sure you're not talking about yourself... Maybe you should read up on people like J.P.Rushton (who was born in the 40's yet has done lots of research on racial differences), or maybe F. Manetta. Or research on brain size and shape to determine intellegence done by Todd (1923), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942), Connolly (1950) etc. Nothing has been debunked!!! Just because the majority opinion is that we are the same, it doesn't prove that the minority are wrong!

Riiiiiiight! A question you knew I couldn't answer! Hmmm, that's an amazing way to go about things... I guess you don't know what a human is then since you couldn't answer my question...

EDIT: did you even read the link you posted?!!!

Last edited by noodle : 03-09-2009 at 01:39 PM.