Originally Posted by Housetek
correct me if im wrong but
Summer break is 2 months or so
Spring is 1-2 weeks
New years things just stop for like 3-4 business days and your break is like a week or so.
You have to prioritize your objectives.
is a gf worth more then a 4 year long dream?
your young yet and every one has been in the mindset of when they love their current gf/bf.
but comming from a outsiders point of view. these are things that shouldn't deter you from your dreams.
if it was ment to be then, in the end it will work out just fine. if not then you have new life experiences and your following your dream.
i find the ladder more fulfilling.
theres also a Xmas/winter break also.
depending on what school your going to for your year study in japan
Thanks! I'm going to think about it a bitt more... right now i'm tilting toward the "ill go" side.. but it didnt make the case better when i asked her about her opinion.. she almost started to cry...

still she say that she dont want to stop me from going. but i guss it won't damage the relationship if I go..?..