03-10-2009, 12:23 AM
My friend Denae says some of the most random things, but they always manage to bring a smile to our faces....like this day when we were having 'your mom' jokes:
Nae-chan in the middle of Tommy and JP's battle:
"Your mom is like a Big Mac...she's cheap, greasy, and leaves special sauce all over my car."
Us: (laughing so hard that we fall off the bleachers in the gym)
another classic from Denae:
"Oooh! Papertrail!" (pointing at a trail of rice on the table) "Uh...crap...rice trail!"
some of my own:
"Remove yourself too far from reality and you will drown in fantasy."
"Never take what life gives you, even if it is lemons. You can throw those and make drinks out of them."