Thread: Race Discussion
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(#49 (permalink))
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burkhartdesu (Offline)
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03-10-2009, 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Gloat in your glory, Ronin. You made the Great Tenchu "back down"!

Or you could look at it the other way, someone who has a general reputation for posting the longest posts, going into the deepest and most heated discussions, and arguing with people until the cows come home, that someone thought you were such a pointless mental wreck he could not even be bothered to reply to your final points...

Geez, Ronin, even Noodle was forced to admit the similarities between raptors and chickens one day. The conclusion they're related can always be up in the air, but it is pretty much the same thing we're talking about.

As so you know, I don't really want to continue this discussion too much. Regardless I value equality for all people (and all things, for that matter), and I approach talks of race in a very scientific, reserved, inpartial, and respectful manner, there are still those among us who are going to play the Nazi card.

I am trying to offend less people on this forum, for personal reasons, and really don't want some butt wrench getting the wrong idea and PMing all the mods telling them Hitler has reincarnated...

Anyway, back to the chicken-raptor, a lot of your points are repeats, Ronin. You do word them differently sometimes, and I keep coming up with new ways to express my ideas, but it really isn't going anywhere. The way I see it, you're actually refusing to acknowledge some of the plainest facts.

I told you there are differences in capabilites in races, I've told you that before, and why, and you still reply saying it isn't true. Regardless, you'll tune into the next Olympics to sit down and watch a bunch of Africans sprinting their arses off to win all the running medals... again...

You're also failing to adress the point I made about how evolution works. Is that the same species will eventually split and make two different ones. Take a look at the gorilla and us, one is extremly stupid, but uber strong, the other is only moderatly stupid, but really weak. Big differences how they turned out when the blood lines split.

Now, I know there is a big time difference, but it doesn't work like you wait 200,000 years and there is no change, then *click*, at the 200,000 mark a donkey spouts wings and flies, and another on the other side of the world grows flippers and swims. That seems to be what you believe.

60,000+ years is a long time, Ronin. To think there is no possibility of undergoing change, both physical and mental, in that time from your cousins, that is unscientific.

Before you come back with the "disadvantaged" heart throb stroy, you might like to know it is not true. There is a shit load more assistance, money, free land (good fu*king land), and so on, available for Australian Aboriginals. Instead, it becomes obvious their biggest weakness is alcohol tolerance, and it is not uncommon to find their petrol sniffing daughters pimped out for a carton of beer.

Why is it criminal in a post Nazi world to simply ponder that reasons for their failure may be due to something called "race"? Differences in bloodlines.

Why is it criminal, also, to merely suggest the reason I am at least 40 kilo bigger than all 25 of my Muay Thai teachers is because of something called "race"?

If you want to come back with the same stuff, Ronin, then don't expect a reply.

Served, Ronin. Served.