Thread: Watchmen
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cridgit001 (Offline)
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03-10-2009, 07:07 AM

I preferred the book ending over the movie but I'm glad that the movie ending still makes sense and you still come away with the same general feeling as you do from the book. I will say that I'm glad I read the book first and then saw the movie simply because I could appreciate more of the details in the movie.

I personally would have done with out all the "junk" and over laid some pants or something, though I know that would take away some of the character of him. That and the sex scene that seemed to go forever, in the book it was like 4 frames, I don't know why it needed to be like 5 minutes. It was about as necessary as the sex scene in Matrix:Reloaded.

I also want to shoot the soundtrack person because it made absolutely no sense as it ruined the mood for the scenes.

A final note, the movie did not pull any punches what-so-ever, I was surprised they showed the Vietnam woman get shot and not just turn the camera to the comedian, pull trigger, then show her on the floor. Any-who, that's my take.
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