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drinkingvinegar (Offline)
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Wink Drinking vinegar - 03-10-2009, 04:06 PM

I have started this thread because I wanted to share my experience of vinegars, having done quite a lot of research on many different brands, over the last 4 years.

I was introduced to drinking vinegar while in Taiwan, I knew very little about it, at the time, but now it's become a passion, that i have collected much information and data, that i may write a book.

Although i was wondering if the young people in Japan drink vinegars too, and if any of them had any actual positive data to share.

Japanese vinegar is quite different in taste to Taiwanese vinegar, and I was surprised, that now in Taiwan, it is becoming such a specialised industry that agricultral bio-chemists are now developing better and better drinking vinegars.

Can anyone recommend a good vinegar drink, and especially cocktail recipes.

My favourite one is Sweet apple vinegar, with a crushed ice, a dash of mint, and a slice of really is a fantastic drink.

If you wish to know more of the fundimetals of health and vinegar, i would be more than happy to share some of my research...It is a crucial step to making a better healthier environment, and important life style changes, becuase of the controversy over sodium benzoate in most food and drinks, which was discovered by a UK University.

Last edited by drinkingvinegar : 03-10-2009 at 04:20 PM.
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