As an anime fan it had always been my dream to go to japan.
This is your first problem. You probably went with no clue of what Japan is really like. It's not some romanticized "anime world".
They don't "hate whites". I like how you make it seem so factual, when in reality you have an extremely shallow sense of what Japanese people are like. You are apparently disgruntled about the whole thing-- but seriously, your username is "biggestmistake"... You're obviously a little biased about the whole situation.
I've been to Japan, and to me they are unusually
polite to Westerners. Throughout all my travel I did not once receive any negative attention nor did I see any "No foreigners" signs. It was nearly the complete opposite, Japan is one of the most humble and hospitality filled places you can visit-- especially if you're white.
Japan, unsafe? If you are seriously from Detroit, you have to be kidding me.
You were only out for 3 days. In Tokyo, I assume?
Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world-- and Tokyo is the only city I've been where you can walk around at near midnight and have no worries. I find it really hard to believe you were mugged in broad daylight... The Japanese police are extremely proficient and would go to extreme lengths to help you find a lost umbrella,
let-a-alone a full blown mugging.
Maybe you can give us some details?