Originally Posted by noodle
Wow, I can’t believe people are so defensive for Japan… Who would’ve known, Tenchu might actually be right and this forum might actually be full of “Japanophiles making excuses for Japan.”
People have been mugged in police stations before, yet everyone seems to have a problem with accepting that someone got mugged in Japan. Lol… wow! Kinda pathetic to be honest! The Japanese people I know never defend Japan the way you guys are. They happily admit that there is crime in Japan, that Japan isn’t perfect, that Japan should work on its international relations, that there are “only Japanese” signs in many places, not only strip bars etc…
Anyway, I’m not going to dismiss this persons experience because it doesn’t sound as unlikely as everyone is saying. That doesn’t however mean he’s giving me a negative impression of Japan. To be honest, the people defending Japan with everything are the ones making Japan seem fishy to me. There is always advice to teens saying you shouldn’t think Japan is some wonderland, but to be honest, you guys are trying to portray Japan just as that…
Noodle, the OP's original post can't be true. He might have been mugged in broad daylight at knifepoint in Tokyo...I am sure that happens...but it is a rare event for that to happen, especially to a white foreigner. But it happens.
What isn't true is the dirty looks and tons of no foreigner signs on shops. This is TOKYO...one of the most international cities in the world. It's simply not true. It's not about "defending Japan" or being a "Japanophile"...it's about telling the truth. And biggest mistake isn't telling the truth.