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(#19 (permalink))
blimp (Offline)
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tokyo
03-11-2009, 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Unfortunately that doesn`t really help.

Japan doesn`t quite have the same sort of zoning limitations as a lot of other locations, so a "residential" area doesn`t necessarily mean that every 4th building is a mini factory or business.

I don`t mean to imply that their data is wrong, or that it isn`t accurate. I just am sort of wondering aloud how they calculated this, as Japan is a hard place to measure due to the way cities are mixed.
i don't know how well these quotes answers your question but it is the best i could do with my limited knowledge.
The data on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide concentrations are based on reports from urban monitoring sites. Annual means (measured in micrograms per cubic meter) are average concentrations observed at these sites. Coverage is not comprehensive because not all cities have monitoring systems.

The data on concentrations of particulate matter are estimates, for selected cities, of average annual concentrations in residential areas away from air pollution “hotspots,” such as industrial districts and transport corridors.

could you pls elaborate on the last sentence in your post. the sentence ending with "....., as Japan is a hard place to measure due to the way cities are mixed."

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