Originally Posted by blimp
could you pls elaborate on the last sentence in your post. the sentence ending with "....., as Japan is a hard place to measure due to the way cities are mixed."
In a lot of countries, there are some pretty strict rules in place about where you can build homes, factories, etc. The US is a very good example - being split very clearly into residential, industrial and commercial areas.
Japan, however, is much more loose when it comes to zoning. Heavy industry is pushed off into certain areas, as is some commercial... But otherwise, as long as you follow the construction rules for the land plot you can build pretty much anything. So you will find extremely mixed neighborhoods - single family homes next to a factory next to a huge condo complex next to a small farm next to a one story business next to a ... etc etc etc.
In some areas those factories will generate more pollution than others. So in my opinion, it is very hard to find a solely residential area in order to get a reading. You`d pretty much always be in a mixed area, and not all mixed areas are equal in their air quality. And if they did manage to find a residential only area, chances are it`s an extreme exception so would not be accurate for the majority of residences.