Originally Posted by Bugg333
So, what are the requirements for tokyo university? let's say I go to UCLA for a year or two, with Japan's stuff as a major, what are the other needs? I would major on japan for two reasons: 1- It's very possible to have 2 majors now a days, and 2- I'm THAT dedicated about Japan's culture.
Tokyo University has an
English page - I think you`ll find your answers there.
If not tokyo university, what other good universities are there?
Plenty. It all depends on what you are studying, just like the rest of the world. I actually advise you to aim for a different university as everyone and their friends are trying to get into Tokyo University. First, because it`s an excellent university and second because it`s the only place they`ve heard of outside Japan. The less well known the university is outside of Japan the greater your chances of securing a spot once you qualify.
Will where i live depend on where i go to college?
Erm, that could go either way. You could choose your university based on where you want to live... Although not all of them accept international students, there are close to a thousand scattered all over Japan - quite a few with split campuses out in the country.
What are the difficulties of attempting to live in Kyoto or Tokyo or some other city in Japan?
Tokyo and Kyoto are simply well known - they`re hardly comparable in size or atmosphere. (Sort of like comparing, say, New York to... Boston? In terms of the US.) I`d say that it is likely no more difficult to live in Tokyo than any other large city once you remove the language barrier - likely even easier.
what's it like living in an area of Japan that ISN'T a city? is it like remote china or is it like traditional country-side japan?
There is a lot between city and "remote" countryside - smaller cities, smaller towns, suburbs, villages, etc etc. Technology is available
everywhere, so it`s certainly not like falling into another era.