Originally Posted by chryuop
But about counters I have a question too for the native speakers or who knows Japanese.
つ can be considered a counter and works with the 訓読み, but for small numbers. What happens for bigger numbers? I mean, it is ok to say 一つの質問,
but what about 20, 32 or 40? I guess saying 試験には三十二つの質問があります would be considered a mistake. I was taught for small things that don't have a real counter I can use 個, but not sure if it works for abstract nouns too.
つ is not considered to be a counter in the strictest sense of the word. It just "happens" to be the last syllable of numbers 1 thru 9. With "real" counters, you should be able to use it for 0 to infinity.
We don't say 試験には
三十二つの質問があります. The largest number you can use つ with is 9. There is no exception to this.
The proper counter for 質問 is 問. Casually, some people use 個 and make themselves sound like 9-year-olds counting candies.
「試験には質問が32問あります。」 would be the most natural way to say this.
「試験には32問の質問があります。」 is not totally incorrect but not nearly as natural as the sentence above.
"Number + counter" is usually placed immediately in front of the verb when used in a phrase containing a verb.