Originally Posted by NaYa
Whoa, EVERY kanji?! I didn't know that!
Ahh... the road to kanji reading is more treacherous than I thought... T-T
Thanks for the answer!
Naya, as a rule of thumb, any words where it is just Kanji, such as 収穫祭 is usually Onyomi only, 躊躇(ちゅうちょ) is another example.
Any words where it is kanji then some hiragana that follows, then it's Kun-yomi, such as 躊躇う (ためらう).
But there are always exceptions.
問合係 looks innocent but it is all Kunyomi, といあわせがかり
愛す looks like a japanese word but the character uses onyomi, あいす
湯桶 looks like a chinese word but the first character uses kunyomi and the last character uses onyomi, ゆとう
河豚 looks like another chinese word (and it is) but a completely different word in the Japanese vocabulary is used to pronounce this word and not onyomi. ふぐ.
紅葉 this word can be pronounced in both onyomi こうよう and kunyomi もみじ.
So as you can see, it's just a mess and memorisation is the only way.