Originally Posted by kirakira
- By not printing money like no tomorrow
- By building infrastructure
- By saving and investing for a better future
- By not going on a binge of reckless consumption using other people's money
All the GDP figures is pointing upwards, surely you can't call that going backwards.
Ronin, I know you have problem with some of Chinese government's policies but you can't discredit the entire system based on your fancy idealogies.
You haven't got the faintest clue how smart the Chinese government is. It is securing energy supplies for its growth which is why it is dealing with rogue nations. With the current economic crisis, thes Chinese government is using its massive savings to take over resource companies all around the world on the cheap.
Government has set policies that forces foreign companies to team up with Chinese local partners so that the Chinese companies can quickly catch up in terms of technology.
These things may not be the best for the west but it is good for the Chinese as a nation and its people.
One more thing, the Chinese government plans for the long term, not just using patch solutions to get them to the next election (more stimulous anyone?)
Two more thing: China finally has Hong Kong, a very start of the China-boom spark.
Asian values - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apparently it looks like the Asian values, having been supported by many Asian politicians including the Muslim Malaysian government, is making a comeback recently. And there's the conservative Hindutva movement in India that is strong recently.
Come to think of it, the world is getting more and more fractured than we ever imagined.
Originally Posted by kirakira
Well the argument was never about whats good for "mankind" or whatever
Mankind? Internationalism? This is a very Marxist-Leninist concept to me.