03-13-2009, 01:24 AM
About Russian language:
Russian the alphabet consists of 33 letters.
А а - あ
Б б - The first sound in syllable べ
В в - The first sound in syllable わ
Г г - The first sound in syllable が
Д д - The first sound in syllable で
Е Е - The last sound in syllable ぺ
Ё ё - よ
Ж ж - The very first sound in syllable じ and the average sound in syllable ぢ
З з - The very first sound in syllable ぜ
И и - い
Й й - Similar on い
К к - The first sound in syllable こ
Л л - Is absent in Japanese language
М м - The first sound in syllable め
Н н - ん and the first sound in syllable ね
О о - お
П п - The first sound in syllable ぺ
Р р - れ
С с - The first sound in syllable せ
Т т - The first sound in syllable て
У у - う
Ф ф - The average sound in syllable ふ
Х х - The first sound in syllable へ
Ц ц - The first sound in syllable つ
Ч ч - The first sound in syllable ち
Ш ш - Firmer and deaf person than - し
Щ щ - The first sound in syllable し
Ъ ъ - not have the pronunciations.
Ы ы - не знаю с чем сравнить...
Ь ь - not have the pronunciations.
Э э - え
Ю ю - ゆ
Я я - や
Used 10 latin numerals:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (zero)
Used punctuation marks:
. (full stop)
, (comma)
! (exclamation mark)
? (Quotation-marks)
" (inverted commas)
- (Hyphen) & (dash)
: (Colon)
; (semicolon)
( ) (Brackets)
Надеюсь ничего не забыл и не напутал...
Last edited by Kadauz : 03-13-2009 at 11:58 PM.