Originally Posted by komitsuki
Two more thing: China finally has Hong Kong, a very start of the China-boom spark.
Asian values - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apparently it looks like the Asian values, having been supported by many Asian politicians including the Muslim Malaysian government, is making a comeback recently. And there's the conservative Hindutva movement in India that is strong recently.
Come to think of it, the world is getting more and more fractured than we ever imagined.
I think history tells a different story.
Also... I don't think the link you provide necessarily supports that.
From your link.
An important aspect of the concept of the above mentioned Asian values systems is that many agree that there should be room for democratic and scientific decision-making and thought being a driving force for any universally accepted values system, especially given that resort to such thought is highly verifiable by all concerned independent of subjective values-systems held.
Also I'm opposed to the idea of values having ethnic characteristics. Understanding the ethnic perspective/bias a person might have is important of course.... but to justify something simply because it's "Asian" or "Western" as opposed to doing so on the basis of logic or reason is really not a justification at all.
Originally Posted by komitsuki
Mankind? Internationalism? This is a very Marxist-Leninist concept to me.
Ever heard of Liberal Internationalism?