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(#32 (permalink))
komitsuki (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Feb 2009
03-13-2009, 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I think history tells a different story.

Also... I don't think the link you provide necessarily supports that.

From your link.

Also I'm opposed to the idea of values having ethnic characteristics. Understanding the ethnic perspective/bias a person might have is important of course.... but to justify something simply because it's "Asian" or "Western" as opposed to doing so on the basis of logic or reason is really not a justification at all.
Clearly, you don't think like someone with a non-western thoughts. After all, international liberalism is a very western-based political concept.

Ever heard of Liberal Internationalism?
A political thought that liberal countries have the absolute rights to influence non-liberal countries?

First of all, I don't buy into ideas similar to political liberal vs. conservative... right wing vs. left wing.

I believe being liberal is a common human concept, not a political one.

I just can't agree with you because we have very much of a different values (that doesn't mean you're essentially wrong) from you... ironically despite I live in the west for most of my life. :/

After all we discussed between you and me, haven't you noticed that we have a totally different value that we can't even discuss a single topic functionally?

You are a smart man with a very straight-forward attitude. Sorry but perhaps you are being a bit loosy.
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