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(#13 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
Posts: 350
Join Date: Jan 2009
03-13-2009, 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by Animewatcher View Post
This is an interesting thread. I have been doing all the research I can on visiting/living in Japan. Housetek / MMM, How is the economy been effecting the job market as of late? Is it getting harder to get a job as a foreigner?
That would just depend on which area you are looking at.

Unemployment is at 4.1% at the moment which is not too bad but with Japanese stock market fallen off a cliff to new 23 year lows, plunging exports and high Yen, picture isn't all that rosy.

建設業・・・・・・・・・・ 528万人と,18万人減少
卸売業,小売業・・・1061万人と, 8万人増加
医療,福祉・・・・・・・・ 616万人と,32万人増加
サービス業・・・・・・・・ 465万人と, 3万人減少

Looks like there is a increase in medical and retail/wholesale jobs in January, where as everything else including service, manufacturing and construction is on the way down.

I also saw a report that the amount of commercial space vacant has hit 4 year highs in many parts of Japan.

All in all, the picture isn't rosy. However, with US's unemployment at 8%+, I guess you might be better off moving to Japan if you are fluent at Japanese.
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