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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-13-2009, 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Like the US, Japan is realizing it needs to find money without spending a lot of money...reminding the world of what it already has sitting here, instead of "creating" something new to sell. In the US it is things like Hollywood, dude ranches, Beverly Hills, Hawaiian beaches etc. Japan has "kawaii" and has a veritable monopoly on it in the world. These girls may be as kawaii as Doraemon, but they also have a million times the sex appeal of Doraemon. I think it's probably a smarter strategy...
Forget strategy..

Do you condone this MMM? As a person with respect for various Japanese culture?

I think that the fact they're sexualising it is worse. (Do we really need to perpetuate some of the already ridiculuous stereotypes about Japanese women that I've heard?)

I don't think anyone in the Japanese government has thought this through.

Also I'm unaware of Hollywood being employed as cultural ambassadors by the federal government. At least not in the same blatant nature that these women have been.
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