Originally Posted by Polar
Thanks for the kind words Nyororin.
I really could care less about nice views or statues or other stuff. It's the infrastructure of a city that fascinates me. It could be something as trival as a manhole cover or a sign. The key is that's it's functional not static art per say. I really love the functional stuff. The little things that combined make a city work
This isn't just limited to Japan, it's the same when I'm in Manhattan, photos of the Statue of Liberty please I'd be happier shooting subway cars, bridges vehicles etc.. it's what I look at, the stuff like yourself or someone else would normally over look or rather it's just so common you tune it out
I don`t think it`s so much that I tune things out - I take quite a lot of photos myself, a huge number of them of mundane things. It`s just
different mundane things, if you get what I mean. Interesting pattern of rust running down from a steel staircase, yes - Rotting corner of a building - yes, sign for hotel, no. Even when it comes to sights that aren`t exactly tourist attractions, the things you look at and find of interest when it`s your city/country are different than when it`s something pretty much totally new to you.
Which is part of the reason I`m finding the subjects of your photos interesting. Not because "Wow, those are normal boring things!" but because they`re things I wouldn`t think of taking a picture of in contrast to things I
When in other locations, I get a kick out of taking pics of things that are different from what I am used to seeing, no matter what the thing may be... So I`m guessing our photo habits are similar. It`s just easy to forget exactly what is "different" in Japan when you`ve lived here for so long.
I have one idiot on another forum asking "Where's all the people ?" "The reccesion must be really bad" I try to explain to him how many freaking people do you see up and about in your area at 7:00am ???
He seems to thing Tokyo is teaming with masses and throngs of people. Here in Shinjuku it seems to start around 9:00am but it's no Times Square.
The media has to answer for that one - it seems the absolute favorite shot of Japan is the mass of people crossing at the huge scramble in Shibuya... So Tokyo gets the image of being so packed with people that you can barely walk anywhere.
Oh, and by the way - glad to see you`re enjoying your trip.

You`re making me wonder what you`d take pictures of around my place so I can try to take a few myself to show to relatives when I visit them this summer.