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(#242 (permalink))
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Pexster (Offline)
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03-13-2009, 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by sakari09 View Post
wow...some of the things that you say Pex...LOL. I'll admit...before I met Kadaj, I wanted to date someone tall. I have a thing for blondes too. (I'm dark/strawberry blondeish) He doesn't work on cars tho...I do that. LOL
Kadaj. *melts* SWEET.

I know, im a dummy for blonds also. ^^

Originally Posted by sakari09 View Post
Someone who can put up with my illnesses. LOL (I'm always sick with something.)
Yeah me too. Willing to make me soup.
Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
... you're writing this wrong... sounds like you have many men... ... or... ???
Oh sorry. One.

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