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(#22 (permalink))
dougbrowne (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 89
Join Date: Oct 2008
03-13-2009, 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
You're still basing your perceptions off of the first two units though. I'm sure they teach you other forms in later units, and when you learn Japanese you always learn "I" and "you" even though you don't use them very often, because that's the easiest way to learn a language. Same thing with the foreigner thing, whenever you learn any language you're always going to sound like a foreigner at the beginning.
Uhh Sorry but, teaching you to say everything using I and You and Her and Him is absolutly the wrong way to learn. Although it may seem eaiser now, in the long run it will harm you. And I am almost positive that Rosetta Stone will never teach you to say anything the way a native would say it. The way Rosetta Stone teaches is not good for learning JP. It doesn't explain any grammer rules at all. Your suppose to just grasp it, but it just doesn't happen like that with japanese. There is no 'easy way out' when learning japanese. If you can't deal with that, then japanese isn't for you.

Not only does it not teach grammer correctly, it doesn't teach writing correctly either. Imo, the only thing japanese rosetta stone is good for is vocabulary.

Rosetta Stone works great for langs like Spanish, but it's a whole different story with japanese. Rosetta stone just made up a template then made an attempt to integrate every single language into it.

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