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(#244 (permalink))
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Sublymonal (Offline)
Official Churro Tester
Posts: 30
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: You should really wash your windows...
03-13-2009, 06:15 PM

Me? Hmm... That's a toughie...

Well, here's some qualities I would like:

Natural musculature [i.e. not super muscular, that's just plain gross]
Average weight [not really fat, but you should not be able to see a 3D image of the ribs]
Generally looks really cute

Here's a few things I require:

Respect. I must be able to respect her, and she should by extension respect me.
She must want to be with me. Really want to. Can't stand those people who have a bf/gf just to say they do.
Female [for obvious reasons]
Good attitude. Obviously I can't date somebody I don't even like.

...That's about it for now

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