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(#975 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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03-14-2009, 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by cridgit001 View Post
So....they do?

Anyway, I have another question?

I've been playing Street Fighter 4 online (as always) and I've noticed that the vast majority of Japanese players have really bad internet connections? Like, 1 bar out of a possible 5? Could that be due to the distance from England or does Japan generally have slow internet?

My connection isn't fast.. 2mb/s (my PS3 is wired to the router though) and I get 3/5 for mine?

Whats your connection speed, Nyororin?

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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