03-15-2009, 02:08 AM
I don't know if this has specifically already been said, because I only read the first 10 pages or so, but I have some questions pertaining to moving to Japan in my particular scenario.
I am from the U.S., and I can't get a university degree (the whole America charging incredibly high amounts for post-HS education thing...my father had tons of scholarships for basketball to go, but still couldn't because of the price) and I want to know if I would be able to get a job there. I understand I couldn't get a work permit/visa, but does that mean I can't work at all? Can I at least get a simple unskilled job, and eventually gain citizenship?
However, I wont be able to gain it through getting married to a Japanese citizen, because with what the plans currently are, I will be moving with my long-time girlfriend, who's also a U.S. citizen (well she's part of Oneida (Iroquois Tribe) Nation so I don't know if technically it's U.S., but whatever). If that whole ordeal doesn't work out between us though, I can always get married, but obviously I'd much rather have it work out ;P.
I have very little money so I'd want to be able to spend as little as possible. I'd never be able to afford a car, so I'd need to able to walk/bike everywhere, therefor I'd prefer (or rather need) to live in a bigger city where everything is within reach. I'm willing to walk about an hour to work each day. But yeah, my problem with that is how far could I go that has affordable rent for a shared flat between 2-3 working people (I might also go with one of my friends), yet is close enough to be within good reach of a large city? I also will not be able to just go back and forth to the U.S., so I'd prefer if I could do what you (OP) did and go to South Korea, but only go there now and again instead of the states. Would that work?
Basically my biggest concern is citizenship/jobs. I'm not worried at all about the culture or language, especially now after reading the 'testimonials' on here. Mainly I'd just like to know if I could get there, apply for permanent residency (at least eventually), and my biggest concern at the moment is if I could get a job when I go there. I don't want to have to resort to getting jobs illegally (like a select few of illegal immigrants in America have to), but I might have to if what I'm concerned about is the case.
But whatever, I'll stop rambling and let you fill me in on what goes down when you get there, and what you all have to do to get things up and running.