Originally Posted by SHAD0W
Ahh I'm with you now
ooo, question time!
Probably been asked before, if so, point me in the right direction?
Anywhoo, My Japanese Teacher says that people do not use signitures in Japan, that everyone uses a personalised stamp? Were you issued with one of these when you first arrived to japan? How old do people have to be before they get given one? does it feel odd when you go elsewhere outside of japan and have to sign for things? Can you show us a picture of one?
For official documents you don`t use a signature. That doesn`t mean there are no unique signatures, and it also doesn`t mean you can`t or don`t sign for trivial things, like package deliveries, etc.
In the case of serious documents - contracts, etc - you use an inkan which you have registered with your city/town hall. Most people have one for serious affairs (which you sort of guard with your life), a bank one which is used for bank transactions, and then a personal one which you use daily for boring stuff. If you have to stamp a lot of things through your day at work or the like, you usually buy a cheap mass produced plastic one (and you it along the lines of how you`d use a checkmark - just to show you looked something over.) All but the cheap crappy one I listed last are handmade - and the more serious the more detailed.
People usually get their first personalized one as a gift when they graduate from high school - but there is nothing stopping you from going out and ordering one when younger. Obviously you have to be old enough to be held to something legally before it`s legally binding though...
They`re not government issued or anything of the like, so if you want one you have to go buy it.
I went and got one when I wanted to open a bank account as it was necessary.
It doesn`t feel strange to sign for things as you still have to write your name when you use one, and for small things like deliveries a signature works just as well... So everyone signs unless they have their inkan on hand.