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03-15-2009, 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by SHAD0W
For some reason.. I'm instantly put off.. I'm a tough customer though, I hate anime.. The only anime thats ever interested me is Akira/Dragonball Z (not DB or DBGT)/ Death Note/Ninja Scroll. I despise anything cutsey or mecha.
Except Love Hina, but that was awesome! Don't tell anyone, SHH!
Can you convince me other wise?
But D.Gray-man is cool *.* btw I have a link in my sig "allens Piano play" thats a part from D.Gray-man but a soft kind part x3 normal it is more bloodyyyy x3
ギャー(*0*((◎—————ー(°°; ) スッポヌケ〜
✿ あなた だけ が みれば いい... 狂気と真実は紙一重 ✿
そして坊やは眠りについて 息衝く灰の中の炎ひとつ、ふたつと 浮かぶふくらみ愛しい横顔 大地に垂るる幾千の夢、夢 銀の瞳のゆら(◕‿‿◕ )
It's a thin line between genius and stupidity. Once you cross it there is no going back!! Luckily I have tippex and a pen so I can just redraw it where I like!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =_=