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killyoself (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 104
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Hands up if you love living in JP - 03-16-2009, 05:57 AM

It's so cool how everyone is so friendly. And people are always really eager to talk to you about Japanese culture, I really care about. It's super fun to talk about Japanese mochi, Japanese 4 seasons, cherry blossom, daikon, Japanese diet, Japanese sake, Japanese Onsen, Japanese matsuri, Japanese kimono (soooo beautiful), changing of the leaves etc....

My favourite is talking about the differences in Japan and foreign countries, you realise how different and unique Japanese really are. I guess the reason Japanese are so unique is because it's an island.

What does everyone else think about Japan? Isn't it just the most awesome place ever: Everyone is really kind, where I live in Tokyo is so cosmopolitan, everyone's so efficient, it's very very safe (I guess because everyone is so stable and well-adjusted), really great economy and everyone is just so open-minded.

Banzai Japan and Japan Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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