Originally Posted by ILikePi
The central heating, are there really no places with it or are they rare? Do you have the option of getting it when a house is built? And if so is the equipment involved prohibitively expensive? What kind of heating cooling is in each room? Implemented as kerosene heaters I take it? (was reading those are popular in Japan) And what for air conditioning exactly? Window units? If not where does the water vapor vent? I am so concerned because I have very bad allergies (mold). I have other questions but I'll start new threads for those. Asking these here since they are directly referenced.
I imagine anything is an option when building a house, depending on space and your budget. Most houses have a
kotatsu in the living room and AC/heating units in most rooms. These are built into the walls. Mold is carefully filtered, and there are more powerful filters that can be used for those with allergies.