03-17-2009, 04:25 AM
Sis84 I think I was just prejudiced against you by the "searching for a place . . . to fit in"-type comment combined with your anime avatar (and the '84 making me think you're 24). Made me think you were a young person who was super-into anime and such.
kirakira and MMM have expressed it well.
I've never had someone snicker at me having a Japanese novel, but I'm in grad school, so most people I know respect bilingualism. It could be a function of where you live that maybe you get that attitude. Or maybe you live in Little Tokyo and you're getting the 15-yo nikkei there snickering because snickering when you're 15 is cool.
But screw the haters, as the rappers like to say. Do they still say that? The rappers?