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solemnclockwork (Offline)
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Location: Kentucky
03-17-2009, 04:01 PM

you mistake my post, I did say I wouldn't make a decision until I visited. I have also said that this is in the thinking/planning phase thus a lot could be subject to change. Secondly I'll try to explain this as best as I can.

I don't have anything that potentially would tie me down in that states (only family, but that's a different matter). In essence it does not matter If I choose a career path in USA, Japan, or Israel. Yes, it is easiest to do in your own country, but I'm not looking for a life made "easy" I want to do what I like within bounds. No, I don't dislike the USA I love what it stands for. I would have more rights here then In Japan. The US Government is not at the point to where it's a joke like Japans but that's not what I care for. I'm not running from anything and indeed I would miss the USA and still support it through all the good it does for the world. The only Western part of culture that would that I would miss is "warhammer" then again I can find that here, not as big as in the west but it's here (check out gamesworkshop if you don't know what that is).

I want to live in a country doing something I love. Teaching would be something I would care for because simply I like to teach. The language in Japan also is something I find fascinating (hence one of the reasons why I would not find it difficult to learn). Food would be good for me (in America it was to easy to become fat). I like the idea of a culture actually based on family and responsibility (at the surface it looks like they still believe that). I actually would be able to get around without a car (I know this is in some areas but nevertheless appeals to me). I will say I do like anime and manga but then again I do watch more news then the two combined. Overall I have judge from what I know of Japan to be something I would be more interested in working in then US culture.

A lot of what I said can be subjective to where you live in the USA, and as such makes a moot point in comparing the two. It's the same as to the various regions of the States and why some would prefer New York to say rural Kentucky. As of right know I believe (as much as I can without visiting) I would be more satisfied living in Japan then here. I would also say if I'm going to go over there I'm not coming back, I don't like the idea of starting a life somewhere completely alien to me only to make money, or to live "fun". I'm not going to put off the rest of my life (like marriage; kids; fulfillment) to only come back to the US when I'm 40 or 50. I've wasted enough of my life, to know the difference between living a dream and reality; sure if I do go, it's going to be hard the first years. I only got one life, got to make the best situation I can with potential that is offered to me (mainly because of the United States)
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