Here's some pics of me and my buddies in Japan, 2007
What's sad is that we've all since gone seperate ways (College, work, etc.)-- and I'm the only one who still has an interest in Japan.
NOTE: Although it seems like a ridiculously large group of people to go to Japan with (it was), it was a school hosted trip and we were broken up into pretty self-effecient groups.
In Hiroshima (That's me in the blue, being exhausted)
Eating Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima.. (I'm on the right side... with the fist on my mouth
On our way to Miyajima (Thats me at the left, turned around cracking jokes about something-- and to my right is my crazy Japanese teacher.
Knife-making place, Takefu (me on the right)
Me and my host-sister, Takefu