Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
I want to live in a country doing something I love. Teaching would be something I would care for because simply I like to teach. The language in Japan also is something I find fascinating (hence one of the reasons why I would not find it difficult to learn). Food would be good for me (in America it was to easy to become fat). I like the idea of a culture actually based on family and responsibility (at the surface it looks like they still believe that). I actually would be able to get around without a car (I know this is in some areas but nevertheless appeals to me). I will say I do like anime and manga but then again I do watch more news then the two combined. Overall I have judge from what I know of Japan to be something I would be more interested in working in then US culture
I have lived in several countries besides Japan. Japan was the most difficult by far.
You love to teach. Teaching gets old after awhile. To work at a University, like my friend, you need not only to be fluent (and knowledgeable about grammar) in English but in Japanese also (writing and grammar). I spoke 3 languages before learning Japanese and Japanese is the most difficult and I am still learning how to read and write it.
Food. Food is not too different anymore. They have most of the same fast food there and I guarantee you will get tired of rice and fish if you weren't brought up eating it. There also are many "American" foods at the market, so don't count on being thin unless you already are.
Not having a car is nice, until you need one. Try to bring home a computer on a train, it sucks. Also, having to go home before the trains stop running or pay an outrageous cab fare is another thing to keep in mind. If you enjoy something like camping, try taking your camping gear on a train or bus. No fun.
Working in Japan. Japanese working conditions are much different than the US. More hours, and you are expected to put work before everything, including family and friends. Under Japanese law you are given the same rights as a Japanese worker, but good luck in finding a court or lawyer who will not discriminate against a gaijin (this happened to me when I got injured on the job there). You will find discrimination in other parts of Japanese society too. Like my girlfriend broke up with me because her family didn't want her to date a gaijin. It was a eye opening chapter in my life.
Now, I will agree with the family being important and responsibility too. Many of the Japanese families have problems because of the work is first idea, it doesn't leave time for the family. Many Japanese women look for a Western mate because work isn't our lives (at least this is some of their thinking). I would never consider an American wife ever again after dating Japanese women.(no offense American women reading this, just my opinion)
Just be sure you think it out good before you make a decision. Get a degree in something that excites you, not something that might be handy to live in Japan. Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear.